

by Sameer Gupta — Tue 07 November 2023

Git workflow for a quite a capitavitng situation


I am keeping it github for example here , as it's best known

for use case, consider deploying to a VPS instead of gh-pages

until git remote add orgin

How I made it work for the first push (inverse order)

git subtree push  --prefix  site puppet gh-pages
(staging-site way didn't work)
git commit -m “Added mysite files” ./site
git commit -o
git add site
git subtree add --prefix ./site 
git subtree add —-prefix site puppet staging-site
git commit --allow-empty -n -m "Initial commit."
git-identity (personal-config - before commit)
git remote add puppet
git init --bare
git checkout -b main
git init

before adding origin , I ll test git pull gh-pages/cherrypick

To read the state

git remote -v show  puppet
git status --porcelain
git sub/tree show (aliases )
git worktree list
 git rev-parse HEAD
ls -l .git/refs/heads
git symbolic-ref HEAD

To force push

git subtree split --prefix site gh-pages

This will (after a lot of numbers) return a token, e.g.

157a66d050d7a6188f243243264c765f18bc85fb956. Then

git push puppet 157a66d050d7a6188f243243264c765f18bc85fb956:gh-pages --force

Depending on Analysis

Branch not fully merged

find the number of commits by which your branch is behind the remote

git rev-list --left-right --count branch remote/branch

verify , if you lost any important commit

git log --graph --left-right --cherry-pick --oneline gh-pages gh-pages-old

Interective rebase

git rebase -i HEAD~N
git rebase --edit-todo

followed by squash,pick in the $EDITOR ,stash, fetch, rebase,stash, then just add,commit push.[^1]


rename the branch as branch-old, fetch from puppet, checkout --track puppet/branch,rebase --root old --onto branch, checkout branch, delete old, push.


  1. Add build source as a (substituitable- variable) library

claiming your commits

No global git identity config

There are others , but not relevant for this post

I prefer to sign my commits and even auth them with gpg-agent , instead of ssh-agent , to reduce complexity. For the latter I need pass and emacs.

My nix[^2] and emacs config are available here. The former depends on flake. The latter is heavily inspired from another source[^3].

[^1]: It's impossible to actually edit a commit. Whenever you do something that seems like editing a commit, what actually happens in the background is the old commit gets deleted and a new one is created with all the same data except the parts you changed (and a different id). Since you've "edited" the commit to change the message, you are now behind the remote because the original commit no longer exists in your local copy. [^2]: [^3]: